Tag Archives: Kenya

Brochure: Decision-making in governance and development initiatives

Brochure: Decision-making in governance and development initiatives

The Place of Indigenous Communities | Published by ILEPA, Kenya | December 2015 Due to the negative consequence of lack of participatory development within Indigenous Peoples’ territories, international human rights mechanism, including the United Nations system arising from agitation from IPs, have established the concept of Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC).

Brochure: Realizing the fruit of devolution

Brochure: Realizing the fruit of devolution

Know your rights, speak for your rights | Citizen participation in development discussion and practice | Published by ILEPA, Kenya | June 2015 The adoption of a new constitution in August 2010, has radically transformed the structure, organs and functions of government in Kenya in ways un-imagined before. Central in this transformation is the establishment of County governments. It’s hoped that the pamphlet will b ...

Paper: Current challenges facing the civil society in Kenya

Paper: Current challenges facing the civil society in Kenya

Written by Yves Niyiragira, Executive Director of «fahamu», Kenya | February 2015 This short paper attempts to give a historical background to the birth of the current strong civil society in Kenya and briefly discusses the current threats and opportunities for the Kenyan civil society. It ends with an analysis that believes that the Kenyan civil society will continue being a strong player in the Kenyan society fo ...

Newspaper: Climate Change News 4

Newspaper: Climate Change News 4

Adaption or Mitigation? | Published by Peace Pen Communications | February 2014 The Big Question for Climate Change. The effects of Climate Change are complex requiring global, regional and national interventions and cannot be handled by a single ministry or government. The challenge of confronting the impacts of climate change is often framed in terms of two potential paths that civilization might take: adaptatio ...

Newspaper: Climate Change News 3

Newspaper: Climate Change News 3

Lets Talk Trash" | Published by Peace Pen Communications | October 2013 "Lets Talk Trash". Solid waste management is a major problem world-over and in Kenya offers several challenges from clogged drainage and sewers, waterborne diseases like typhoid, cholera and diarrhoea, increased upper respiratory diseases from open burning of the garbage to malaria. ...

Paper: Kenya - Voting for our own

Paper: Kenya – Voting for our own

The dynamics of tribal politics in the Eastern African State | Written by Mildred Ngesa, Peace Pen Communications | October 2013 Written after the March 2013 Kenyan presidential and parliamentary elections, the following article by Mildred Ngesa, a Kenyan journalist and the director of Peace Pen Communications in Nairobi, analyses the framework and structures of politics in Kenya. ...
